Selling a Pharmacy?

8 Points to Consider when You Are Considering Selling Your Idaho Pharmacy

After years of growing the pharmacy the decision to sell your business will be one of the most important events in your life. Pharmacies all across America are experiencing decreased reimbursements, lower net profits, and declining business values. These factors are driving many Idaho (ID) pharmacy owners to consider their options.

As a pharmacy owner - here are 8 things you should consider:

1. Taxes for Capital Gains has already increased. Will it go higher?

2. Although sales for most ID drug stores are increasing, profit margins continue to decrease. Are you working longer hours while faced with increasing government regulations?

3. Since purchase prices for pharmacies are declining, but home values and other businesses may be increasing in value, are there other opportunities that would offer you higher returns if you sell pharmacy?

4. If you are staying in the community, as a seller of an ID drug store would you be interested in receiving a large sum of money and possibly a favorable employment contract from the buyer.

5. When net profit margins drop, and you have to spend more time working to make the same amount of money, which results with the "goodwill" possessing less value. What is the current equity and goodwill of your business?

6. An error many potential sellers make is not selling when pharmacy buyers are ready to purchase. Will waiting to sell put your deal into a timetable that is less rewarding?

7. Selling a pharmacy is a complicated and regulated process that involves many difficult decisions. Imagine the headaches, the loss of time, and the loss of money that comes with making an uninformed decision.

8. You have operated a successful business using your personal business formula. However, selling a business is not part of your day to day activity. Did you know selling pharmacies is the day to day activity of

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Topics include:
Selling a Pharmacy, Buying a Pharmacy, Financing a Pharmacy, Board of Pharmacies, Consulting and Advisory Services, FAQs, Pharmacy Market Conditions,  Marketing, Medicare’s effect on Pharmacies, U.S. Pharmacy Associations, Pharmacy Business Valuations, Referral Fees, Tax Advantages and Tax Strategies for Pharmacy Owners who are considering selling their business.

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